Arthur Compton (Religion)

“Faith gives the courage to live and do. Scientists, with their disciplined thinking, like others, need a basis for the good life, for aspiration, for courage to do great deeds. They need a faith to live by. The hope of the world lies in those who have such faith and who use the methods of science to make their visions become real. Visions and hope and faith are not part of science. They are beyond the nature that science knows. Of such is the religion that gives meaning to life.”

Arthur Compton (Physicist 1892-1962)

Arthur Compton (Faith)

“For myself, faith begins with a realization that a supreme intelligence brought the universe into being and created man. It is not difficult for me to have this faith, for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelligence–an orderly, unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered–‘In the beginning God.'”

Arthur Compton (Physicist, 1892-1962)

Robert Boyle (Scriptures)

“I use the Scriptures, not as an arsenal to be resorted to only for arms and weapons, but as a matchless temple, where I delight to be, to contemplate the beauty, the symmetry, and the magnificence of the structure, and to increase my awe, and excite my devotion to the Deity there preached and adored.”

Robert Boyle (Philosopher, Chemist, 1627-1691)

Robert Boyle (Our Saviour)

“Our Saviour would love at no less rate than death; and from the supereminent height of glory, stooped and debased Himself to the sufferance of the extremest of indignities, and sunk himself to the bottom of abjectness, to exalt our condition to the contrary extreme.”

Robert Boyle (Philosopher, Chemist, 1627-1691)

Lord Kelvin (The Cross)

“Christianity without the cross is nothing. The cross was the fitting close of a life of rejection, scorn and defeat. But in no true sense have these things ceased or changed. Jesus is still He whom man despiseth, and the rejected of men. The world has never admired Jesus, for moral courage is yet needed in every one of its high places by him who would “confess” Christ. The “offense” of the cross, therefore, has led men in all ages to endeavor to be rid of it, and to deny that it is the power of God in the world.”

Lord Kelvin (Physicist 1824-1907)