A.B. Simpson (Slanderous)

I would rather play with forked lightning, or take in my hand living wires with their fiery current, than to speak a reckless word against any servant of Christ, or idly repeat the slanderous darts which thousands of Christians are hurling on others, to the hurt of their own souls and bodies.

A.B. Simpson (Preacher 1843 – 1919)

A.B. Simpson (Effective)

God wants us to speak to men so that they will feel it, so that they will never forget it. God means every Christian to be effective, to make a difference in the actual records and results of Christian work. God put each of us here to be a power. There is not one of us but is an essential wheel of the machinery and can accomplish all that God calls us to.

A.B. Simpson (Preacher 1843 – 1919)

A.B. Simpson (The Bible)

The Bible stands apart from all other books, and has survived and will survive all the attacks of its enemies. It is like the electric torch that shines over the water of New York Bay, struck by the wing of many a seabird that dashes against it in its reckless flight, but still shining on unmoved while the foolish and reckless assailant falls bleeding and wounded at its feet. It is an anvil which has worn out many a hammer of hostile criticism, while the anvil still remains unshaken amid the wreck of all that have assailed it.

A.B. Simpson (Preacher 1843 – 1919)

A.B. Simpson (Beloved)

Beloved, have you ever thought that someday you will not have anything to try you, or anyone to vex you again? There will be no opportunity in heaven to learn or to show the spirit of patience, forbearance, and longsuffering. If you are to practice these things, it must be now.

A.B. Simpson (Preacher 1843 – 1919)

A.B. Simpson (Use)

God never can use any man very much till he has grace enough to forget himself entirely while doing God’s work; for He will not give His glory to another nor share with the most valued instrument the praise that belongs to Jesus Christ alone.

A.B. Simpson (Preacher 1843 – 1919)

A.B. Simpson (Perpetual Spring)

Christ is not a reservoir but a spring. His life is continual, active and ever passing on with an outflow as necessary as its inflow. If we do not perpetually draw the fresh supply from the living Fountain, we shall either grow stagnant or empty, It is, therefore, not so much a perpetual fullness as a perpetual filling.

A.B. Simpson (Preacher 1843 – 1919)

The Lord’s Leading

We are in the process of setting up some different things in this ministry. We are setting up a trailer to do outreach events and working on a whole series of up and coming events. Once we have reached certain goals we are going to be doing a whole lot of different things to the website also. This is the reason that we did not post anything in the month of April. Almost all of us that are involved in this ministry work full time jobs and none of us receive any income from this ministry. So bear with us and continue to search out the website and enjoy all of the different resources and ministries that are on the website.

Founder, Chuck Mooneyham