This page was created to show what our Founding Fathers thought about Christianity. What they thought about the Bible and how they thought that Scripture should be applied into our society as a whole. The reason was because they desired a moral society and they knew that the Scriptures taught proper morality. I believe that you will see throughout this page that our Founding Fathers were definitely not primarily Muslims, like Barrack Obama tried to tell us that they were. So read through these quotes and decide for yourself.
George Washington (Prayer Proclamation 1789)
George Washington (Farewell Address)
Abraham Lincoln (Party Claims)
Christopher Columbus (Christians)
Christopher Columbus (Noteworthy Sinner)
Christopher Columbus (Holy Service)
Noah Webster (Education/School)
Noah Webster (Obey Your Parents)
John Adams (Prayer Proclamation 1798)
John Adams (General Principles)
Elias Boudinot (Most Valuable Book)
Daniel Webster (Human Affairs)
Daniel Webster (Religious Books)
Daniel Webster (Responsibility)
John Quincy Adams (Benevolence)
Benjamin Rush (In Living by the Bible)
Robert Treat Pain (Author of my Existence)
Richard Stockton’s (Last Will & Testament)
Jacob Broom (Letter to His Son)
James McHenry (Holy Scriptures)
Samuel Adams (Prayer Proclamation 1797)
Benjamin Franklin (1787 Constitutional Convention)
Thomas McKean (Respublica v. John Roberts)
Fisher Ames (Bible/Schoolbook)
House Judiciary Committee (1854)
Original North Carolina Constitution
Original Massachusetts Constitution