Louis Talbot (First Love)

“For to me to live is Christ.” To seek His glory, not our own; to exalt Him, not ourselves; to please Him, not our own selfish desires — this is the “first love” of the child of God. To know Him, rather than to seek His gifts; to love Him, rather than to find delight first in His gracious providences — this is the “first love” of the born-again soul.

Louis Talbot (Pastor, 1899 – 1976)

Louis Talbot (Division)

Who were the Nicolaitanes? The two words “nikao,” meaning “to conquer,” and “laos,” meaning “the people,” or “the laity,” form the root of the name “Nicolaitanes.” The term was applied to those who originated the system which divided the church of Jesus Christ into two divisions — the clergy and the laity.

Louis Talbot (Pastor, 1899 – 1976)

Louis Talbot (Death)

My friend, if you live a life that is dedicated to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is absolutely impossible for you to go out of this world through the door of death until His hand puts the key in the lock, and opens that door. And when the Son of God returns to take away His church, the dead in Christ shall rise. He will take those keys and open every grave in every cemetery that contains the dust of the saints. It matters not to me where I am buried — or what they do with my body, if the Lord tarries. They may embalm or bury me — I care not; for when He puts in the key and comes for His own, I shall arise!

Louis Talbot (Pastor, 1899 – 1976)

Louis Talbot (Alive)

Truly, when I think of the flaming throne of God, and of the fact that one day I am going to stand in His presence, who is thrice holy, before whom even the sinless angels veil their faces. I should tremble with fear, but for Calvary! When I remember that He who “was dead” and is “alive for evermore” died that my sin, which would unfit me for His presence, might be washed away, then I have no fear. He has the keys of Hades and of the grave. And because he lives. I too shall live!

Louis Talbot (Pastor, 1899 – 1976)

Louis Talbot (Savior)

“But that righteousness which God gives with everlasting life is upon those who believe and upon those only. Man must make the choice; he must meet the condition – the personal acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as Redeemer and Saviour. My brother, have you believed? Have you taken Christ as your own personal Saviour?”

Louis Talbot (Pastor, 1899 – 1976)