Coronation Day

Blessed is the man who endures trial for…. he will receive the crown of life.

To the Christian, death is said in the Bible to be a coronation. The picture here is that of a regal prince who, after his struggles and conquests in an alien land, returns to his native country and court to be crowned and honored for his deeds.

The Bible says we are pilgrims and strangers in a foreign land. This world is not our home; our citizenship is in heaven. And some day all our battles on this earth will be over, and we will enter that Heavenly Home.

To the one who has been faithful Christ will give a crown of life. Paul said, “There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing”.        (2 Timothy 4:8)

When D.L. Moody was dying, he looked up to heaven and said, “Earth is receding, heaven is opening, this is my coronation day.” Never forget: If you are a Christian, you are a child of the King!

Billy Graham


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