Walt Huntley’s (God’s Hall of Fame)

Your name may not appear down here

In the world’s Hall of Fame,

In fact you may be so unknown

That no one knows your name;

The Oscar’s and the praise of men

May never come your way,

But don’t forget God has rewards

That He’ll hand out someday.

This Hall of Fame is only good

As long as time shall be;

But keep in mind, God’s Hall of Fame

Is for eternity;

To have your name inscribed up there

Is greater more by far

Than all the fame and all the praise

Of every man made-star.

This crowd on earth they soon forget

The heroes of the past,

They’ll cheer like mad until you fall

And that’s how long you last!

Not God, He never does forget,

And in His Hall of Fame,

By just believing on His Son,

Inscribed, you’ll find your name.

I tell you, friend, I wouldn’t trade

My name, however small,

That’s written there beyond the stars

In that celestial Hall,

For all the famous names on earth,

Or glory that they share;

I’d rather be an unknown here,

And have my name up there.

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