This page was created with the intent of edifying those who want more. Those who understand that our words are spirit and that they bring life and death (John 6:63). We who desire more wisdom about our world and how it really works. To see man’s compassionate side. To understand the evil that surrounds us and to understand how to deal with it. To see man at his best and at his worst. This collection of quotes and short stories have been taken from a variety of different writings, giving credit to those who chose to give their names and to those who did not. We here at J3sus4me Ministries hope that you receive blessings from this collection and that they bring comfort and conviction.
In the Book of Proverbs we see that King David collected wise sayings and riddles and wrote the Book of Proverbs for this reason, to edify our lives. We here at J3sus4me Ministries hope that this section will be similar to you!!!! Enjoy and may the LORD bless you throughout this page.
Ronald Reagan (Ten Commandments)
Billy Graham (Political Correctness)
Charles Spurgeon (Discernment)
Charles Spurgeon (Savior’s Love)
Charles Spurgeon (Difficulties)
Charles Spurgeon (Judgment of Others)
Charles Stanley (Satan’s Deception)
Charles Stanley (Disappointment)
Alistair Begg (The Great Need)
G. Campbell Morgan (Holy Spirit)
G. Campbell Morgan (Compromise)
G. Campbell Morgan (Fellowship)
G. Campbell Morgan (Preaching)
G. Campbell Morgan (Preachers)
G. Campbell Morgan (God’s Will)
G. Campbell Morgan (Waiting on God)
G. Campbell Morgan (The Church)
Charles Swindoll (People who Soar)
Charles Swindoll (Determination)
Francis Chan (Pursuing Christ)
Francis Chan (Lukewarm People)
Johannes Kepler (Jesus Christ)
Johannes Kepler (Investigations)
James Clerk Maxwell (Philosophical Systems)
Galileo Galilei (Common Sense)
Isaac Newton (Heavenly Master)
Isaac Newton (God’s Existence)
George Frideric Handel (Faith)
Ludwig van Beethoven (Fruitful)
Ludwig van Beethoven (Fearless)
Ludwig van Beethoven (Musicians)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Papa)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Jesus)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Trust)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Death)
Johann Sebastian Bach (Church Music)
Louis Agassiz (Scientific Truth)
Albert Schweitzer (Serve Jesus)
Albert Schweitzer (Jesus’ Teaching)
Albert Schweitzer (Spiritual Life)
Albert Schweitzer (Kingdom of God)
Albert Schweitzer (Spirit of Jesus)
Amy Carmichael (Selfless Service)
George Mueller (Answered Prayer)
George Mueller (Opportunities)
Ruth Graham (Losing a Loved One)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Value of Life)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Form of Evil)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Give Thanks)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Perspective)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Moment by Moment)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Work of Art)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Heartache)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Suffering)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Satisfaction)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Conforming)
Joni Eareckson Tada (The Fight)
Joni Eareckson Tada (God Hates)
Joni Eareckson Tada (The Cross)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Contentment)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Transgressions)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Choicest Tool)
Joni Eareckson Tada (Know Jesus)
A.W. Tozer (Relationship with God)
A.W. Tozer (Worship Seven Days)
A.W. Tozer (Victorious Christian)
A.W. Tozer (Close to the Heart)
A.W. Tozer (Crucified with Christ)
A.W. Tozer (Deeper Christian Life)
A.W. Tozer (Christian Tolerance)
A.W. Tozer (Modern Christians)
A.W. Tozer (Holy Men and Women)
A.W. Tozer (Walking in Humility)
Vernon McGee (The Greatest Sin)
Charles Finney (Judge Themselves)
Charles Finney (Praying Together)
Charles Finney (Deceive Yourselves)
Corrie Ten Boom (Circumstances)
Martin Luther (Christian Church)
Martin Luther (Holy Scriptures)
Oswald Chambers (Circumstances)
Andrew Murray (Filled with the Spirit)
George Washington Carver (Promises)
George Washington Carver (Creation)
George Washington Carver (Orders)
George Washington Carver (Accomplish)
George Washington Carver (Fear)
George Washington Carver (Success)
George Washington Carver (Projects)
George Washington Carver (Nature)
George Washington Carver (Prayer)
George Washington Carver (Reveal)
George Washington Carver (Tell me God)
John D. Rockefeller (Fellowship)
John D. Rockefeller (The Bible)
John D. Rockefeller (Influence)
John D. Rockefeller (Sunday School)
William Wilberforce (Christians)
William Wilberforce (Principles)
William Wilberforce (Disturbed)
William Wilberforce (Christianity)
William Wilberforce (Attacked)
William Wilberforce (Word of God)
A.B. Simpson (Perpetual Spring)
William Blackstone (Enactment)
William Blackstone (The Press)
William Blackstone (Doctrines)
William Blackstone (Evil Spirits)
William Blackstone (Private Property)
William Blackstone (Self Defense)
William Blackstone (Natural Law)
Washington Gladden (This Very Hour)
Washington Gladden (Good Enough)
Washington Gladden (Enjoyment)
Richard Baxter (Contradiction)
Robert Leighton (Supreme Lawgiver)
Frederick William Robertson (Pray)
Frederick William Robertson (Victory)
Frederick William Robertson (Mistakes)
Frederick William Robertson (Yoke)
Frederick William Robertson (Revenge)
Frederick William Robertson (Reaping)
Frederick William Robertson (Virtue)
Frederick William Robertson (God’s World)
Frederick William Robertson (Liberty)
Frederick William Robertson (Rights)
Frederick William Robertson (Hate)
Frederick William Robertson (Sin)
Frederick William Robertson (Prayer)
Frederick William Robertson (Religion)
Frederick William Robertson (Marriage)
J P Morgan (Last Will & Testament)
Isaac Watts (Joy to the World)
George Whitefield (Jesus Christ)
George Whitefield (Performances)
George Whitefield (Repentance)
George Whitefield (Holy Scriptures)
George Whitefield (Congregations)
George Whitefield (The Gospel)
George Whitefield (Conversion)
John Henry Jowett (Eye in the Sky)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Suffering)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Interrupted)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Abortion)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Discipleship)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Christian)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Community)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Christianity)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Disbelief)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Cheap Grace)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Emotional Uplift)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Messengers)