The Golden Heart

When I was young and naïve I fell in love with a seductress.

She had stolen my heart and ran off with the key.

Which in turn left me in a very confused state of mind.

I chased after her to recover my heart, but the more I chased the further she would run and play.

In the mean time I had met a very beautiful woman that had given me her heart.

But being young and confused and of all things heartless I did not know what to do with it.

I could see the beauty in it, but I couldn’t fully appreciate it.

For I was blinded by the images of the seductress with my heart.

I was so blind that I couldn’t see that I was playing with the heart of this beautiful woman that truly loved me.

I was treating her heart as the seductress was treating mine.

But I was so focused on myself that I couldn’t see what was around me.

So I tossed her heart away and broke it.

As soon as I did this, another seductress came to me with false promises that she could show me how to be happy without a heart.

For she herself had lost hers long ago.

So I followed her to her nest and she ditched me to go play.

Well I confronted this seductress and she had nothing to say.

For she was heartless and just wanted to play.

Seeing what a fool I had been I went home again.

I searched for the beautiful woman that had given me her heart.

When I found her, her heart was still broken.

I convinced her that we could mend her broken heart and share it.

For I wanted to have a heart so bad.

At this point God seen the true intention of my heart, even though it was not with me.

And blessed me and the beautiful woman with a child.

At the child’s birth I was the happiest man on earth.

I shed tears of joy from this heartless soul.

And soon the beautiful woman and I exchanged wedding vows.

I was convinced that we could share her beautiful heart.

But soon the seductress that had my heart heard of my joy and happiness.

So she came back to find me.

When she found me she could see the kindness of the heart that I shared.

So she used her seductress ways to convince me that she needed my help.

I was so longing to have my heart back that I figured if I helped her, that she would release my heart back to me.

But instead she seduced me into breaking the heart I shared.

The second that I fell under the seductresses spell, God began taking his wrath upon me.

For I had broken the sacred marriage covenant.

And even though the Lord knew that the beautiful woman’s heart would be broken. He knew that she would be okay.

For she was blessed with a truly golden heart that was in the child.

That would never break her heart.

As for me, I was handed over to the seductress and her ways.

Satan was laughing, for I was under her spell.

Satan filled my heartless soul with pride and arrogance and knowledge.

He convinced me that logic was the only way to think.

The beautiful woman was so upset and heart broken that she threatened to keep the child from me.

The one with the golden heart.

I was so upset and heartless that I wanted to take the child and run.

But the seductress convinced me if I leave the beautiful woman and child to be.

That she would give me back my heart.

And deep down I knew that I would not lose the child. The one with the golden heart.

So the beautiful woman proceeded to divorce me.

For she could see how heartless I was.

But even on our final day in court I could see the beauty of her heart.

I think she could see my lost soul searching for my heart.

And she was still willing to share hers with me.

But I was so blinded by my pride and arrogance that I shunned her love.

Right after this the seductress was happy as can be.

She had stolen me.

But something happened that she did not for see.

Because I was heartless as can be.

She tried to use her seductress ways to manipulate me.

But I explained to her that the child with the golden heart was my only true concern.

Which in turn, left the seductress at a turning point.

She decided to give back my heart if she could share it.

For she has longed for a heart of her own.

But she doesn’t know how to use one.

So I agreed to share my heart with her.

And upon receiving my heart back, I could see the harm I had done.

I fought with myself and thought to myself what a fool I had been.

While the seductress learned how to use and manipulate my heart to her advantage.

While I was in eager pain.

She was in eager gain.

Soon she was in full control of my heart again.

She had manipulated me from within.

I thought for sure I was finally in true love.

That she was a gift from above.

I soon asked the seductress to marry me.

And she was happy as can be.

But soon she could see that the child with the golden heart, that her love was true to me.

And Oh, this could not be!!!

For now the seductress longs for me.

You see she had never had a heart before and she did not want to lose control over the one she had.

So she tried to put barriers between the child with the golden heart and her daddy.

And sometimes when I was feeling down she would succeed in getting between.

For by sharing my heart with her, she had corrupted it with her seductress ways.

But every time I look into the eyes of the child with the golden heart I could see true love.

Well this was a blessing from above.

You see God had blessed me too.

And finally I had seen through.

Well this really upset Satan, and he wasn’t going to let me go.

But God said he had to let me go.

So Satan rebelled and fought for my soul.

But God was with me and told him no!!!!

So Satan said I will go after the child.

But her daddy said no!!!!

So God said to me protect the child and show her how to protect herself.

To be a survivor, if I am not around.

Not that God wouldn’t be around, but her daddy.

For you see her daddy was going on a journey.

He didn’t know where he was going, but he knew how things were going to be when he got back.

You see he told the beautiful woman how it would be.

For God was blessing him with a prophesy.

He didn’t know it at the time.

For he was blind.

But God and Satan were battling for his soul.

Of course God won, but not before the damage was done.

You see Satan used the seductress to put him away.

So she could go out and play.

But what she didn’t know was that in the process he had stolen his heart back.

And threw away the key.

So the seductress searched and searched, but could not find it.

And I knew what she was looking for, but I refused to give her my heart again.

Until she could prove to me that she had one of her own.

But you see, she was so mad that I had stolen my heart back. That she decided to go after another one.

And so she searches, for she still doesn’t have one of her own.

Even though I have tried to show her the light.

She proceeds to take the path of darkness.

So be gone out of my life seductress!!!!

For I and the child with the golden heart shun you.

For we both tried to show you what true love is.

And you have proceeded to break both of our hearts.

As for the beautiful woman, she has never lost her beauty.

And even though her heart has scars on it, it is still as beautiful as ever.

For now that I have got my heart back, and God has helped me uncorrupt it.

I am not blinded anymore.

God has shown me what true love is.

And the kind of woman that I should give my heart to.

For if my heart is with God, he will bless my heart.

As for the beautiful woman, I believe her heart is with God.

So he will bless her also.

And for the child with the golden heart, I know her heart is with God.

So he will definitely bless her!!!!

When the beautiful woman brought the child with the golden heart to see me. She could see the change in me.

And for one brief moment I think we both felt electricity.

But I am sure she is afraid of me.

For I have not been trustworthy.

And I do not blame her you see.

I want to get to know her again.

To communicate and see where we have been.

For you see, we have both changed so much from then.

But I will not hurt her again.

Because I would hurt within.

And her beautiful heart doesn’t deserve that again.

The child with the golden heart, would never forgive me either now or then.

So I can never let that happen again.

I either commit myself to her forever or never again.

But for now I just want to get to know her from within.

To see if there is ever a chance to be together again.

For if we are truthful about where we have been.

And how we feel from within.

Then there is a possibility that we can be together again.

But this all has to stem from the beauty within, the beautiful woman.

For I have just gotten my heart back and I am looking for a friend.

And who better than the beautiful woman that gave me the child with the golden heart.



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